Easter Egg Frozen Yoghurt Lollies Recipe

We have been making some super Easy Easter Yummy Treats with the Kids and we thought we would share this recipe for Easter Egg Frozen Yoghurt Lollies with you to enjoy with your family
These Easter Egg Frozen Yoghurt Lollies takes minutes to make and is so easy the Kids will love making them as much as they will love eating them!
- Any Yoghurt of your choice, we used Vanilla and Toffee Flavoured
- Any Fruit of your choice, we used Strawberries, Bananas and Raspberries
- You will also need wooden lollipop sticks – We got ours on Amazon Here for £1.90
- And you will need an Easter Egg Silicone Mould – We got ours from Amazon Here for few pounds and they come different colours
- Using a spoon to pour some yoghurt into the mould, making sure to cover the sides.
- Chop up the fruit you are using and place it into the yoghurt
- Put another layer of yoghurt on top so it is flush with the top of the mould and hides the fruit
- Wedge the wooden lolly pop sticks into the yoghurt
- Place in the freezer for a few hours until completely frozen
- Once completely frozen you will be able to easily push them out of the silicone mould, as you will see you might have a slight overflow rim on some, these will easily cut off no problem if you want to be super tidy but our kids were happy to eat them with it on!